
Why Sealcoating Is Important For Asphalt Parking Lots

Whether you own or manage a commercial or industrial property with asphalt parking lots and access driveways, seal coating is an integral part of your pavement maintenance routine.


It strengthens a paved surface by replenishing the degraded petroleum binder and blocking harmful elements and oxidizing substances that cause brittle pavement. It also helps the paving look brand-new. Visit to learn more.

Asphalt pavement needs protection to prevent damage from weather and environmental wear-and-tear. Seal coating is an economical way to protect your paved surface. It also helps to fill in cracks and repair potholes so you can avoid costly asphalt resurfacing and reconstruction.

A properly applied and maintained asphalt seal coat keeps a paved surface in good condition and adds curb appeal to your property. It protects the asphalt from damage caused by oxidation, water, oil and chemicals. Sealcoating also protects the underlying base from the pressure of automobile traffic, which causes it to degrade and weaken over time.

The best time to sealcoat a parking lot or driveway is spring, as the temperatures are ideal for the sealant to cure. The paved area must be free of debris, dirt and oils before the application of the seal coat, which can be done by spraying or using a squeegee. The process is quick and efficient, but it is important to hire a professional for the job. Workers should be trained on how to use the equipment and be aware of the dangers that can occur when working with coal tar, petroleum products and other toxic materials.

A seal coat restores that fresh black look to asphalt, preventing it from becoming washed out and grey. It also gives faded asphalt a new appearance and improves the overall quality of your pavement.

Prevents Water from Penetrating

Sealcoating creates a thick protective layer that acts as a shell to shield asphalt surfaces from harmful elements. It is especially effective against water penetration, which is a major cause of damage to asphalt pavements. Water can seep into untreated asphalt and cause cracks that widen over time. It can also soak into the base material and cause erosion. Sealcoating prevents this penetration by blocking existing channels.

While pavement deterioration is caused by many factors, one of the most common is the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. The UV rays can dry out and harden asphalt pavements, leading to cracking and fading. Regular sealcoating can significantly reduce the speed of this process and prolong the life of your asphalt surface.

Aside from its beautiful dark black color that enhances the look of new and old asphalt, seal coating also helps hide smaller cracks and imperfections. However, larger cracks should be repaired before sealcoating.

Prevents UV Rays from Penetrating

Asphalt is an economical and durable material for parking lots, but it’s not impervious to damage. The sun’s UV rays can cause oxidation in asphalt surfaces, which leads to brittleness and cracking. Sealcoating acts as a barrier to protect the asphalt surface from harmful UV rays and other environmental factors.

The ultraviolet rays in sunlight combine with oxygen to break down the asphalt’s binding chemicals. This deterioration wears away the surface of the asphalt and weakens the sub base beneath it. A regular application of a sealcoat prevents this from happening, as the sealant blocks out harmful UV rays and keeps the asphalt flexible.

When an asphalt parking lot or driveway is not sealed, the voids and cracks in the surface allow water, oil, gas and other chemicals to penetrate into the pavement and cause damage. Sealcoating forms a layer that seals off the voids and cracks in the pavement, reducing moisture penetration. This reduces the likelihood of cracking and deterioration caused by freezing and thawing during winter months.

Sealcoating also helps protect your parking lot or driveway from vehicle fluid leaks, which can etch and stain the asphalt. The coal tar emulsion in the sealer naturally resists oil and gasoline spills, and will minimize the amount of damage these leaks can do to your pavement. This is a cost-effective way to extend the life of your asphalt and improve its appearance.

Prevents Oil and Grease from Penetrating

Sealcoating protects your asphalt pavement from oil, grease and chemical spills. These liquids will slowly eat away at the asphalt, but they won’t be able to penetrate the protective layer of the sealcoat. This prevents them from damaging the underlying concrete or causing any sort of staining to the paved area.

Coal tar emulsion sealcoats are also effective at stopping oil, jet fuel and chemicals from seeping into the underlying asphalt surface. They will keep these types of chemicals from corroding the concrete and they’ll also help to restore the dark appearance that’s often lost over time.

Additives – Adding the right additives to your sealcoating mix is important as they boost specific properties like cold temperature flexibility, toughness, adhesion, fuel and chemical resistance etc. The use of too much water or sand in the mix can significantly reduce these properties and compromise the performance and durability of the sealcoat.

The addition of an additive based on acrylonitrile/butadiene (NBR) polymers will rubberize the sealcoating and improve its overall resistance to oil, fats, grease, de-icing salts, hydraulic fluids, aromatic fuels etc. It will also help to improve the tensile strength, reduce power steering marks and scuffing as well as speed up drying time.

These types of additives are ideal for use in parking lots and other high traffic areas. They will also stop the deterioration of aged aggregate and provide it with a more durable and uniform appearance.

Prevents Chemicals from Penetrating

While it might not be in the spotlight, seal coating is a key element of safe roads. It’s like bestowing the road with a shield that guards it from various forms of damage. Without it, roads are more susceptible to cracks and deterioration, which in turn lead to unsafe travels and costly repair jobs. With it, roads remain comfortable and secure for years to come.

Asphalt surfaces are constantly exposed to chemical spills and fluids from cars, including oil, transmission fluid, antifreeze, brake fluid, and other chemicals. These corrosive substances can soften and break down asphalt, making it impossible for the road to support the weight of vehicles. With sealcoating, these chemical substances are prevented from penetrating the asphalt surface.

The seal coat is made from a special blend of refined coal tar emulsions and fillers. The mix also contains additives to improve its performance, such as speed of drying, altering sand suspension, improving water repellency, increasing flexibility, and adding resistance to salts and other chemicals. The mixture is then applied evenly to the asphalt surface using brush applicators, spray applicators, or hand squeegees. It is then smoothed and leveled to ensure that the seal coat is distributed evenly across the asphalt surface.

Prevents Frozen Roadways

Asphalt is susceptible to water damage if it’s not sealed. Moisture can seep into small cracks and then freeze when it gets cold. This cycle of freezing and thawing stresses the asphalt, making it more vulnerable to damage. Sealcoating prevents moisture from entering the cracks, preventing them from becoming bigger problems down the road.

Sealcoating also prevents the damage that can be caused by salts and de-icing chemicals. These materials eat away at the surface of a driveway or parking lot, and if they are not removed promptly, they can cause potholes that will be expensive to repair. By forming a protective barrier, seal coating protects the asphalt from these harmful substances and helps keep it strong and stable.

A well-maintained asphalt driveway or parking lot adds value to your home, and it also makes the property more appealing for potential buyers or tenants. By having your asphalt seal coated regularly, you can ensure that it will last longer and look better.

To get the best results from your asphalt sealcoating project, it’s important to choose a professional company that uses quality products. The right equipment can make the difference between a good job and a bad one. The right equipment should include an oil sprayer used mainly for filling smaller cracks in the asphalt and a hot-pour crack filler that melts and reseals the asphalt. It’s also important to use a hose that has enough pressure for the project at hand.


Environmental Benefits of Asphalt Paving

Asphalt Paving Fort Lauderdale creates a smooth, safe road surface for drivers. It’s also more weather and season-friendly than concrete.

Asphalt Paving

Aggregates, like sand and gravel, are heated with bitumen to make the asphalt. The asphalt mixture is spread evenly over the pavement and compacted using heavy rollers. Smooth roads save on vehicle wear and tear and extend the life of a roadway.

Asphalt is a very cost-effective paving option. While other paving materials such as gravel, brick and cobblestone may be less expensive to install, they often require more maintenance due to their fragility. This makes asphalt the most affordable paving material in the long run.

It is also the most environmentally friendly material. Asphalt paving not only reduces road noise, prevents water and mud from getting into vehicles and helps to keep them from skidding, but it is also 100% recyclable. The asphalt industry continues to strive towards making the production of asphalt and its placement even more environmentally conscious.

When choosing a paving contractor, make sure that they are committed to recycling. Many of them have their own in-house recycling facilities to process their own paving materials, which eliminates the need for waste disposal and transporting new materials. In addition, they will likely offer other environmental solutions to you such as recycled materials, reclaimed aggregate and permeable pavers.

The creation of asphalt involves a number of steps, starting with predosing, where the aggregate components are weighed and combined based on an asphalt recipe. This mix is then heated in a pugmill to approximately 300°F. The mix is then sifted and stored in silos where it is kept hot until it is needed on the job site.

At the construction site, the mix is spread evenly across the area that requires paving using specialized equipment. The asphalt is then compacted using heavy rollers to improve density and strength. Proper compaction is vital for long-term performance and minimizing future pavement failures such as rutting and cracking.

During the paving process, recycled asphalt can be used as a base layer or an overlay. It can be combined with a new HMA/WMA mix in a mix plant, or scarified RAP (reclaimed asphalt pavement) can be mixed into the existing pavement to replace deteriorated material. In both cases, asphalt containing up to 30% RAP performs just as well as an all-virgin mix. For even more sustainability, asphalt can be reclaimed on-site by milling the old surface and utilizing pulverization to reuse the material without transporting it to a plant.


Asphalt pavement is a tough material that can stand up to heavy traffic and weather. It is also easier to maintain than concrete or other types of pavement. However, despite its durability, it is not impervious to damage. Over time, pavement can suffer from fatigue, which is a type of structural failure that leads to surface cracks. This is due to repeated cycles of stress/strain in the material. This is a common problem that affects all kinds of materials.

The durability of asphalt is also determined by the climate and how the material was built. For example, if the pavement was made in a dry, hot area, it may become brittle and crack quickly. This can lead to further problems, such as water leaking under the pavement and weakening it from underneath. Water damage can also cause the pavement to break apart at the bottom, resulting in costly repair and rehabilitation.

One way to improve the durability of asphalt is to use a higher density. This can be achieved by laying the asphalt in thinner layers. It is also important to properly compact the asphalt before it dries. In addition, the use of additives can also help improve the durability of asphalt.

Another important factor in the durability of asphalt is the temperature of the mix. High temperatures during mixing and compaction can make the mixture brittle and stiff, which can contribute to premature failures. Scientists are working on ways to lower the temperatures of asphalt mixes to improve their durability.

For example, some researchers are developing warm mix technologies that reduce the energy required to produce and place asphalt mixtures. These technologies use foaming water and/or additives such as organic waxes to keep the mixing, production, and placement temperatures low. These methods can decrease energy use by up to 40 percent.

This research has led to the development of a new test method for evaluating asphalt binder performance. The new testing method can give paving contractors better information about the performance of an asphalt mixture, including its ability to resist fatigue and rutting under different temperatures and loading frequencies. The new test method also allows agencies to set higher asphalt mixture density specifications.


Asphalt is one of the most recycled materials on earth and can be used in a wide variety of projects. Its durability and recyclability also make it an environmentally friendly option for road construction. In addition to its recyclability, asphalt pavement is also less expensive to maintain and repair than other types of roads. Its surface can also withstand harsh conditions and does not need to be treated with salt to melt ice, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Although asphalt is a good choice for the environment, it does have its drawbacks. Its production and application result in high levels of air pollution, but there are ways to reduce these emissions. The first step is to improve the sustainability of asphalt at each stage of its life cycle.

During the paving process, asphalt releases volatile organic compounds that can contribute to air pollutants. However, these can be reduced by using a special additive, called recycled oil base (REOB) – an unrefined waste product that is mixed with asphalt to create a durable material. REOB can be obtained from several sources, including used frying oils, residues from corn stover, and even treated swine manure.

The use of REOB will help to significantly lower the amount of energy needed for paving and reduce the need for raw materials. TFHRC is developing a new test method for determining the REOB content in asphalt. It is also conducting research into handheld spectroscopic devices that can detect REOB in a mix without having to take samples back to the lab.

Scientists are working to further decrease energy usage by improving cold mix technologies that work at ambient temperatures. These methods involve suspending binder globules in water along with emulsifying agents, which can lower the mixing and compaction temperatures by 10-40 degrees Celsius. Scientists are also exploring the use of additives like lignin from plants to increase a binder’s workability and adhesion.

The ability to recycle asphalt and the fact that it can be used in conjunction with reclaimed materials makes asphalt the greenest paving material available. The use of recycled asphalt can also earn credits under the materials and resources category for sustainable development projects. Moreover, the asphalt industry is continually looking for ways to improve its environmental impact.


The asphalt industry is constantly pursuing ways to improve the sustainability of road pavements. This is especially important because it reduces the need for costly repairs and replacements, and helps to conserve natural resources. It also lowers the carbon footprint by reducing emissions from vehicles and equipment.

The first step in improving the sustainability of asphalt pavements is to reduce the amount of energy used to produce them. This can be done by utilizing recycled materials in the mix and by using less fuel in the production process. The use of recycled materials can also help to minimize the need for landfills, which is good for the environment.

Another way to improve the sustainability of asphalt is to increase its lifespan by using proper maintenance and repair practices. This includes examining drainage conditions to ensure that the pavement can withstand heavy rainfalls and avoid ponding or rutting, which can significantly shorten its life. It is also important to consider the environmental impact of the location where the paving project is taking place. Areas of high ecological value, such as wetlands, should be avoided if possible.

In addition, it is crucial to choose the right mix for each project. The composition of the asphalt mixture can make a big difference in its long-term performance and environmental impact. For instance, low-energy binders can be used to achieve the same results as traditional asphalt, without requiring extra fuel for heating and transporting. The resulting asphalt is more resilient and durable, and can be made from local and renewable materials.

As the demand for asphalt continues to grow, it is critical to find ways to minimize its negative impact on the environment. To do so, companies should look into alternative binders and additives that reduce its dependence on bitumen. They should also promote the recycling and reuse of asphalt millings, as well as investigate methods for minimizing waste.

The EPA has identified asphalt plants as one of the most significant industrial sources of air pollution in the country, but improvements in technology have reduced their overall emissions and exposure to pollutants. The most common emissions are dust from the drying of aggregates and fumes from the combustion of fuel to heat the aggregates. These emissions have been reduced to the point where they are now only a minor source of pollution, but the EPA is still working to further reduce their effects.

Contractor Services

Different Methods of Foundation Repair

Foundation problems should not be ignored because they can lead to unstable walls, sagging ceilings, and even leaking water. It is best to call an expert immediately if you see cracks in the wall or floor of your home or building.

Foundation Repair

There are several repair methods that you can choose from, and each has its own set of pros and cons. Click to learn some of the most popular and effective options.

There are many things that can cause foundation problems, from soil shifting and sinking to water damage. Regardless of the source, foundation issues are serious and should always be addressed by professional specialists. There are a few common ways that home foundation repair experts address these concerns, including slab jacking and piering. To determine which method is best for your foundation repair needs, it is important to find a company that is knowledgeable about the different methods of repair.

If your house was built on a concrete slab, it may have begun to sink over time. This is most often caused by soil conditions that were not compacted correctly before the foundation was poured. This type of sinking can lead to severe and expensive structural damage throughout the home, but it is usually easy to fix with slab jacking.

Slab jacking, also known as mudjacking or concrete lifting, involves drilling holes into the sunken slab and filling them with a specialized mixture that lifts the slab back into place. This process is generally less expensive than replacing the concrete slab and is ideal for raising garage floors, driveways, sidewalks, patios, and other sunken concrete surfaces.

The key is to ensure that the company performing slab jacking has the proper licensing, insurance, and certifications. A qualified company will be able to inspect your home and provide an accurate, fair estimate for the work. In addition, the right company will use a concrete mix that is not too thick to prevent the underlying materials from becoming saturated and causing additional settlement. In addition, the company should only drill holes that are spaced 3 to 6 feet apart.

High-Density Polyurethane Foam

A quick, inexpensive alternative to mudjacking, poly foam injection uses high-density foam to lift your slab foundation. Technicians drill small holes in the concrete, insert a nozzle, and pump in the foam under low pressure. Once the foam expands, it lifts your foundation and restores it to its original position. It’s the quickest and least invasive of the methods for lifting your foundation, and it can be used in combination with other repairs.

The polyurethane foam we use in our injections is strong, lightweight, and dense. This allows it to compress the underlying soil through expansion rather than by adding immense weight, which can cause your foundation to sink again. It also requires smaller injection holes than mudjacking, and it can be grouted and covered over after the repair is complete.

Unlike concrete, the foam used in polyjacking is water-resistant and nontoxic. It can be used in places where the soil is wet and muddy, but it can also help stabilize foundations when the ground is dry and firm. This type of foam is ideal for use in interior footings, patios and driveways, or to stabilize a sunken garage floor or sidewalk.

While it can be a great option for many situations, it isn’t the right solution for every home. Depending on your circumstances, you may need a more robust solution like pier support. We recommend contacting a professional contractor to discuss the best solution for your foundation problems. They can provide advice and recommendations based on their years of experience. This will ensure you get a long-lasting, safe and effective repair that’s compatible with your home and budget.

Pier Support

Pier and beam foundations often require additional support as a result of shifting soil. This can cause the building to sink or shift in different places. This may result in sagging floors or the appearance of sticking windows and doors. These symptoms can be corrected by repairing the pier and beam structure. This can be done with the help of helical piers or push piers. This is typically only needed in certain cases, such as when the foundation has already shifted.

The pier and beam foundation also requires proper drainage around the home. The soil can swell up during wet seasons and shrink during dry periods. This can cause the pier to sink and damage the foundation. To prevent this, a drainage system can be installed that includes gutter extensions and a French drain. The soil should be graded so that it slopes away from the foundation.

Another common problem with a pier and beam foundation is moisture decaying the wood piers. This happens as the soil swells up during wet periods and piers can start to decay. To counter this, a drilled bell-bottom pier or concrete piling can be used to add more support. This can be done with minimal disturbance to the house and without disrupting the living space above. The pier can be used to support the entire home or just a section of the foundation.

Concrete Piers

When it comes to repairing pier and beam foundations, concrete piers are one of the most cost-effective solutions available. This is largely because concrete is a durable material that can resist lateral and vertical stresses better than other materials used for foundation repair.

Unlike masonry piers, which are susceptible to mortar deterioration and require frequent repairs, concrete piers are made from a monolithic structure that’s both steel-reinforced and highly resistant to lateral and compressive forces. This makes them a more long-term solution for your sagging pier and beam foundation.

The first step of installing concrete piers is drilling holes into the soil with an auger drill. After the hole is excavated, reinforcing steel is placed in it and then concrete is poured into each pier location. The contractor will wait until the concrete dries before they can continue working. Typically, the concrete takes 7 to 10 days to cure fully. This will delay the time frame of the foundation repair process by a week or more.

Once the concrete has cured, the foundation repair crew will return to raise your home and restore its original elevation. This will be done by placing hydraulic bottle jacks on each pier site and connecting them to a unified hydraulic jacking machine.

This will lift your house and distribute weight evenly across all piers. Once your home is lifted, the foundation repair team will check the piers for uniformity and a level position with a spirit or laser level. If necessary, a reshimming repair can be performed. Reshimming involves adding shims to the foundation in order to adjust for any slight movement or looseness that might be occurring.

Steel Piers

Steel piers can be installed beneath your home to lift and stabilize it. They’re often used in situations where a home’s foundation has begun to sink due to unfavorable soil conditions.

For this reason, it’s essential that you choose a foundation repair company with the right experience and skills. A reputable company will know the local soil conditions and perform thorough soil testing to determine the best foundation repair solution for your needs.

In addition, they’ll use a strong, dual wall steel-pipe to make sure your foundation will be supported in the long run. Additionally, they’ll bury your piers to a depth that will allow them to reach load-bearing bedrock. As a result, this makes them the ideal choice for homes and buildings built on unstable soil.

Unlike concrete piers, steel piers are designed to resist the impact of shifting soil. This is because they’re installed deep into the ground and must be driven to a point that will support your building’s weight. They’re also resistant to the moisture in soil, which can cause other types of piers to shift over time.

The biggest drawback of steel piers is that they require more up-front cost than other pier types. However, this is offset by their durability and longevity. Additionally, these piers don’t require as much maintenance to keep them in good condition. As a result, they offer excellent value for your money and can save you a lot of hassle and expense in the long run.